Wednesday, 10 April 2013


We all have them, well i thinks we all do, they are what keeps us from running away and causing mayhem, we need them for walkies and- in my case- for toys!!

Yep i use my lead as a toy, see when i go for walkies i never wanna play with any toys (i can always play with thems at home). I prefer to take the lead, play chase with it, cover it in spit and mud, then give it back to mum. You guys should try it! 

All four feets off the ground, BOL i can fly.

Uncle Lewis was spinning the lead around and i just couldn't gets it..

But of course i ALWAYS out smarts the peeps!! 

Oh yeah and i have some really good news!!! Mum has been given the all clear by her doctor, so her hearts fine and she can go back boxing!!!!!!!!! MORE WALKIES AND JOGGING FOR ME YEYYY!!!!! 

Have a great day!!!!


  1. Wow, you are quite the athlete Milo, wish we could jump that high!
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  2. Hi Milo, I'm glad your Mum's fine and she can go back boxing, you look athletic yourself. You will have to get Mum a skipping rope and work out together.


  3. Yahoo for your mom!

    Of course you outsmart the peeps!


  4. Well good news for Mom, now just don't wear her out to fast. Hummmm, your leash as a toy!

    The Mad Scots

  5. Milo, you just are one amazing dog.. Love the photo's xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  6. WAIT...HOLD IT! Did I miss sumptin' bouts yuor mom bein' ill? I had no idea, but YAY hers is fine! I is so sorry hers haded to go through dat.

    Dang buddy you really gotted airborne theres! I nevers thougted I would sees a dog playin' with his lead...BWHAHAHAHAHAA...Oh I does crack myslef up. Seriously, I'll post next to anything.


  7. More walkies and jogs? That's got to be good. We're usually too busy sniffing everything to play with our leads. Roxy occasionally chomps through one...that's why ours have knots in them. You look like you're doing a ballet...Nureyev (sp) eat your heart out.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. Wow - you really love playing with your leash! Who knew it also functioned as a toy??

    Good news about your mom! Woot woot!

  9. Wow that is some good fun!!! Glad your mum's heart is ok too!
    Alyssa, Mr. Fox & Scruffy

  10. good news about your mum Milo!That was some great fun you had too!xxSpeedy

  11. Great game Milo. Nice of you to give it back to mum covered in mud and slobber. Pawsome. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

  12. Good news about your Mum - so glad she's able to go back boxing :-) Great action shots too Milo - you really can jump high! woofs and licks from Magic xx

  13. We are very happy for your mum, those are good news indeed! And Milo, you can really fly, that's great!

  14. I didn't knows your Moms had the sickies!!! OMD! Wells, I sure am glads she's okay! And YEA! MORE WALKIES!! Always a plus Milo!!
    pees: I love your flyin' technique...gotta teach me that!!

  15. Look at you jump, Milo!!
    I love to play with my lead too...mostly tug games and then I just like to run around with it in my mouth!


  16. Helloooo Milo!
    That is such a clever idea, I MUST try that! Just what those humans need, a slivery lead to hold onto while they walk me - it will be payback for not giving me treats and giving me into trouble for eating carpet!
    Pippa :)

  17. You sure your not part kangaroo?


  18. You can fly! Glad your mom is better. Lee and Phod

  19. Good news!

    Those pictures are too cute! I can't tell who is having more fun. :)


  20. HI Milo
    It looks like your having a fantastic time playing with your lead next time we go out on a walk we will have to try it out from Milo & Jet
