Wednesday, 6 February 2013


While mummy was out today a VERY important package came for her, it smelled of my beautiful date to the valentines ball, Ruby

I watched the package for mummy while she was gone, i couldn't wait for her to get home and sees it!!! Anyways she got home and when she seen the package she was SUPER EXCITED!!! She was all like 'OMG OMG ITS HERE WOOOO', so after a REALLY REALLY LONG TIME short while mum had recovered enough to actually open the package, i was right, it was off Ruby and her lovely mummy!!!! Here's what was inside....

Mummy got a valentines card off Obama ;) a keyring and a little post card  thingy, she is VERY VERY happy!!!

Mum was so happy!! She was laughing so much, now she has put them up for everyone to see!!! She said she might puts the keyring on my collar 'cause we don't have any keys at the moment!!! 

I was forced decided to let mummy say a few words...

Thankyou so much Ruby and Judi for giving me all these wonderful things, I love them so much!! You guys really are the greatest, i will have to send you guys something back, thankyou so much!!!!!!<3 

Well mummys had a FANTASTIC day!! And so have i- THANKYOU RUBY&JUDI, WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!! 

Ruby, you make me smile THIS much!! 


  1. OMD, you means likes my awesome furiend RUBY?????? Oh I not knows you was goin' to da ball with hers! Oh I is so excited!!!! I loves Ruby to bits. Nows, ya'll looks fur me at da ball...I will be overs next to da punch bowl. Yes, withs a guilty look from spikin' da punch...hehehehe.

    Dat Ruby and mom was so thoughtful to sends your mom dat stuff. Personally, we likes Obama.


    1. YEAHHHHHHh!!! Remind me not to drink any of the punch then ;] We will come find you!! You should come have a dance with us!!! They are VERY thoughtful and very amazing!!! WE LOVE YOU EVEN MORE NOW PUDDLES!!!
      Love Milo :)

  2. That waz such a great pwesent :) Now'z youz got Puddle'z all'z excited..BOL oh what'z fun thiz ball'z gona be :) I fink there'z gonna be suprizez :) xx0xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. BOL Puddles is always excited!!! I can't waits to go!!
      Love Milo :)

  3. That is a HUUUUGGGGEEE smile. We bet your Momma's smile is just as big. Surprises are fun.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Smiling is my specialty :D It really is!!!
      Love Milo :)

  4. Ohhh...any friend of Ruby's is a friend of mine.

    So glad you saw me back there...some pups just didn't notice me =)


    1. Oh good!!
      I seen you peaking over his ear!!
      Love Milo :)

  5. Hi Milo, that is a super duper present no wonder you've got such a big grin, and didn't your Mum do well.


    1. It really is!! She done very very well!!
      Love Milo :)

  6. Milo your girlfriend Ruby has connections with the president, WOW she is in the groove. Now I tell you a card with our Mayor Madi on the cover would impress me. I think you have a most pretty girlfriend, you are one lucky dude.
    Look for me at the Blogville Fun Circus, besides being the Music Director I am in a sideshow game.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
    Sweet William The Scot

    1. Yep, shes that awesome. That would be rather awesome!!! Thankyou so much!!!! Sure thing, okiee!!
      Love Milo :)

  7. Pretty cool stuff you got there! You know I live near Chicago so we like the President around here, too! I think you should definitely wear that key ring on your collar.

    Your pal, Pip

    1. WOOOOOOO!!! Me and mum loves people and doggys who love Obama!!
      Love milo :)

  8. Aren't packages wonderful things? Lol - you just never know what will be inside!

  9. Those are great gifts. You are lucky! Have a great night. Lee and Phod

    1. Thankyou Lee and Phod!!! You too!
      Love Milo :)

  10. Milo,

    WoW What great pressies you gots Milo! We agrees wif Pip, wear dat key ring on your collar!

    Woofs and Licks,
    Maggie Mae and Max

    1. Great suggestion guys, glad to see youse are back!!
      Love Milo :)

  11. Oh, I'm SO glad they gots there!!! The post office lady made Ma fill out a papers tellin' em' what was inside, she felt like sayin' Presidential Stuffs! BOL
    Ma is so relieved you gots it, and THANKS bunches Milo for keepin' an eye on it for your Moms!!
    I can't waits until the Ball Milo!! It's gonna be all kinds of funs!!

    1. BOL!! The post office peoples would have thoughts we were planning to kill him or something!!!! You're welcoem, my mummy loved it so much!! THANKYOU :D I know me either, i'm counting down the days!!
      Love Milo :)

  12. Replies
    1. I think it's my biggest one yett!
      Love Milo :)

  13. Pawsome Milo! We will see you at the ball. Have a terrific Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Looking forward to seeing you there!!
      Love Milo :)

  14. Wow, that's an amazing package! We will see you at the dance :-)

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  15. Very cool package! We wonder what Michelle Obama thinks about Barack sending your mom a Valentine, Milo. ;-) Love the photo of you with a big smile!

    Susan and Wrigs

    1. What she doesn't know wont kill her ;) Thankyou!!
      Love Milo :)

  16. That really is a BIG smile!
    Your mum must have been really pleased with her package, we have read how much she likes the President.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

    1. She was VERY VERY pleased with it!! Hehe!!
      Love Milo:)

  17. Hi Milo!
    That was soooooo furry kind of Ruby and Judi for giving you all that stuff, what an amazing gift! My Mum is jelly that your Mum got a valentines card off PRESEDENT Obama!!!! Did you know that HE has a dog? He has a portugese water dog called BO! I would love to play with him!!!!
    I like thek eyring and the post card too, no wonder your Mum was so happy! i love the photo of you milo you look REALLY happy too! Happy for both you and your Mum!
    Love, Licks and Hugs from your Furiend Frank xxxxxxxxxx
