Saturday, 21 July 2012

Bad yesterday, funny today :)

Lets start from the beginning, yesterday i seen this dog, he was really bouncy and i really didn't like it! I told him off and in doing so accidently hurt him, he's fine now though mum went round to see him today and he's all good! Anyway i don't want to go into that because i feel ashamed! I bought him some treats to say sorry and my mum bought his mum some chocolates to apologize for my bad behavior.  

Anyway back to today! Today was a good day, firstly mum was teaching me how to bow and i was getting pretty good at it before i decided i was bored and we stopped, mummy started talking to granddad to and i wanted attention! Since she didn't give me any i went and lied on her feet so she couldn't move, that would make her pay all her attention on me! She didn't notice at first but she did after a while and i made her laugh :) Ohhh and mummy put a lolly pop in the bin, i like lolly pops so i stole it, yeno what mum did.. she stuck her hand in my mouth and took the lolly pop stick out my mouth! Humans are disgusting! yukkk!

It was really comfy!



  1. Milo you are funny. Happy Sunday to you all.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thankyou Molly! You have the same name as my cousin:D Happy sunday!


  2. i've been there and had that done....i agree- humans sometimes are so weird- they stick their fingers down our throats and then have the audacity to say "yuck"? arf!

    1. I know! I was enjoying that lolly sick as well and mum just stuck her hand into my mouth!! God humans are strange!
