Saturday, 25 August 2012

Millie the kitty

Theres a kitten living in my house!!! Shes small and cute but she tried to scratch me! I was being all nice and friendly and she went to scratch me!! I was shocked, what a mean little kitten, i let her come to my home and she tries to hurt me :(

Mum says she's lovely and really people friendly for a stray, she had fleas but they're gone now, she was skinny when mum brought her home but shes looking a little better today, we don't know how young she is because she only has four teeth!! Just 4! and they're baby teeth.  I'm kinda happy she's here because i broke into the fridge and ate some kitten food, it was yummy, Millie isn't staying for long though, we're finding her a home, mums gonna ask nan if she can have her and if not we'll have to go on a big search for some owners!!!

She reminds me of my friend Millie, she's a black Labrador cross Collie and she's all black and called Millie to, hi Millie if you read this :P

Millie the kitten:


  1. Hoping Millie gets her new home soon. Have a lovely Saturday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks Molly, I'm hoping that to ;)

      Milo :)

  2. Hope you're meaning me when you're talking about that friend Milo! Thank you if you are! :)

    Awww sweet kitty! All the kitties I know are evil and try to kill me but she looks pretty nice!

    Eeeshh, you welcome her in and let her stay and she does that! Revenge: Stealing her food! Nice one Milo!

    1. Of course i meant you Millie!!! :D

      Shes nice to humans but not to us dogs, she thinks she rules my humans now!!!

      I know!! Revenge is sweet, especially when it's in the form of food!!!

      Milo :)
