Saturday, 30 November 2013

A journey to the past...

AGES ago me and mum went to the beach for the first ever time, mum has just found the pictures of that day- it was suer fun. 

It was a surprise for me because I'd never been before, mum wasn't planning on letting me off the lead but she did in the end and we has super fun splashing in the water. Peeps actually started watching us playing because we were having so much fun, they started laughing when I pushed mum in the ocean BOL!!! 

Here are the pictures:
A big wave went over my head so I was too scared to go back into the sea!!!

Shaking all the water off while I'm still in the ocean... BOL clever. 

 Hehehehe that was a great day, I can't wait to go back to the beach one day!!!!

Have a great day everyone!!! 

Monday, 25 November 2013


Hey everyone!!!
Mum is getting some Christmas cards made for the family and since she missed the Christmas card exchange she was wondering if anyone would like one from us, just send your address to Miloanmoll(at)gmail(dot)com and we will send all of you lovely guys a Christmas card with my beautiful face on. Spread the word, we want to be able to send as many peeps as possible a Christmas card!!! :)
Okay guys mum has found a pretty embarrassing picture of me and she is laughing so much at is she is almost peeing herself.
Sorry guys but mum wanted to say a few words about this piccie sorry about the crazyness...
Thats enough computer time for you mum.......
Sorry about that guys!!
Anyways sends your addresses to the email above and we will sends you all Christmas cards!!!!!!

Update on Molly

Hey guys, Molly is doing fine, she is sleeping a lot but still wants to play, plus she's begging for food again- thats the ultimate sign she is getting better!!! Last night she even slept right through!!!

It's getting colder and colder here in Liverpool, today I was praying for some snows but it never happened, maybe I'll be lucky tomorrow!!

Make sure you all wrap up and stay safe!!!!
Have a great monday (If thats possible..)

Friday, 22 November 2013

Confessions and Molly

So I confess thats number one of my true/false confessions was true!!! It happened when i was a puppy!!

In other news today we had to rush cousin Molly off to the vets, she's been acting strange lately and we were all worried, it turns out she has epilepsy but a mild case as she only fits every now and then. Poor old girl :(

Have a great Friday everyone!!!

Thursday, 21 November 2013


So my mum has decided to take photography as an A level (as well as biology, chemistry and physics). At first I was happy because, well, I make a super cute model...

Buts mum just doesn't know when to stop, she took SOOOOOOO many photo's and I started getting sick of that flashy box in my face, so I decided to show her what I thought..
Hehehe, only a few more months and she will be starting her photography A level :( God help me!!!!!

Okay so since santy clause ain't gonna see these confessions I thought I may as well join in...
1. One time mums friend came around to see me mum and she was huggin' me and I peed all over her, on the same day I also peed on nanny and pooped on the carpet!!

2. One Christmas I ate so much foods that i threw up on mums new Christmas clothes she was wearing for a party.

Guess which one is true or false!!

Have a great Thursday everyone!!

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Finally back.. for good!

Well it's been 4 months but I am finally back and ready to blog!!! I've missed you all so much!!
I haven't been able to blog for ages because me and mum have been busy with family problems, luckily we have sorted thems all out now so I can come back!!!

I guess I have a lot of catching up to do with youse all!! But first I'll tells you all what I've been up too whilst absent.

So first me and mum have been working super hard on my dog aggression and it has seriously payed off, I even made a friend!!!

I've learned loads of new tricks including play dead and beg!!
Mum has been practising art and I am her main model

I was four last month!!

Halloween was super fun, i gots to go trick or treating with mums little sister and all her friends.

And of course i goofed off and made mummy laugh A LOT!!

SO basically thats what I've been up to lately :)

Oh yeah and don't worry guys, mums still obsessed with Obama!!

I'm sad too see I've missed the Christmas card exchange AGAIN!! Maybe next year I'll be lucky!!